In my Kyarns order I also received two skeins of Artful Yarns Candy (on clearance, of course). It is an interesting yarn with a one skein baby hat pattern on the label which I intend to try at my earliest convenience. Looks to be a quick knit and perhaps something I can do while I wait during DH's upcoming surgery. The color names are quite creative and don't really tell one much about the color - Sweet Tart and Jelly Bean.

Bathroom remodel is continuing to proceed at a rapid clip. One worker was here today finishing the dry wall so tile work can begin first thing Monday morning. I wish I had taken "before" pics but I do have construction photos and will update as progress occurs. The long awaited bath tub is in place.

Here's the pattern I was telling you about:
In a nice tweedy teal? I can totally see you wearing that.
No but that yarn shop is on my list of places to visit. I've done most of my yarn purchases mail order and EBay so far.
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